Goshen Christian Academy (Secondary School)

Goshen Christian Academy is a secondary school located in Mzilikazi district which is in Bulawayo province in Zimbabwe. Goshen Christian Academy is one of the top best secondary schools in Mzilikazi district, Bulawayo province, Zimbabwe. The school is officially registered by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE).

About Goshen Christian Academy School (Secondary School)

Goshen Christian Academy is a secondary school located in Mzilikazi district which is in Bulawayo province in Zimbabwe. Goshen Christian Academy (Secondary School) is one of the top best secondary schools in Mzilikazi district, Bulawayo province, Zimbabwe. The school is officially registered by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE).

Goshen Christian Academy School Contact Details

Official Communication to Goshen Christian Academy school can be made using their physical address: '3200 Nkulumane, Mzilikazi District, Bulawayo Province, Zimbabwe'. The school's phone numbers and website are yet to be verified and updated. If you want to get in touch with Goshen Christian Academy school to apply or enroll comment below and we will respond with updated details.

Other Private, Government & Boarding Secondary Schools (High Schools) In Mzilikazi Disctrict

'Herentals College Nkulumane (Secondary School)' Located at '7483 Nkulumane 12, Mzilikazi District, Bulawayo Province'

'Ihlathi (Secondary School)' Located at '586305800 Nidza Rd, Mzilikazi District, Bulawayo Province'

'Lobengula (Secondary School)' Located at '734412 Ndosakusa Street And Nyambezana Rd, Mzilikazi District, Bulawayo Province'

'Magwegwe (Secondary School)' Located at '2845 Sivalo Road Magwegwe, Mzilikazi District, Bulawayo Province'