O level Notes : FRS - Religion, Ethics, Health And Sexuality - Religious beliefs and sexuality
Masculinity is a set of attributes, behaviours and roles associated with boys and men. Masculinity is a social construct; it is distinct from the definition of the male biological sex. Traits associated with masculinity include strength, courage, independence and violence. Femininity on the other hand is girlishness or womanhood. It is a set of attributes, behaviours and roles generally associated with girls and women. Femininity is particularly socially constructed, it is made up of both socially defined and biologically created factors. Traits associated with femininity include gentleness, empathy and sensitivity though traits associated with femininity vary depending on location and context.
Religious beliefs on femininity
- Submission
Women are to be submissive to their husbands (Romans 5:22). They are also supposed to wear head gear when they pray or prophesy. It is a disgrace not to cover their heads. Covering their heads is a sign of submission to their husbands and God, just like slaves used to wear head gear to show submission. (1 Cor 11:3). Even today women are still taught to be submissive.
- Dependency
Women depend on their husbands who are the head of the family. Women depended on “him”. All religious matters that were not understood were explained by the men. Economically, women also depend on men. However, most women are no longer dependent on their male counterpart due to education and enlightenment on equality between men and women. Many women have become economically, socially and religiously as well as politically independent.
- Loving
Mary's love for her son Jesus made her search for him diligently for three days (Luke 2:46 ff). She also went looking for Jesus when he moved around preaching so that she would bring back home (Mark 3:31 ff). Tabitha was loving. She cared for widows and orphans providing for them. Priscilla and Aquila provided for the apostles (Rom 16:3). Even today women are still in involved in activities that take care of the sick and the underprivileged. They make sure that the hungry are fed and the sick are looked after.
Indigenous Religion
Women are supposed to be under the authority of their husbands, fathers and brothers. They are supposed to kneel down or bow down to show respect and submission. They are not to answer back at their husbands. They are not to make any important decisions without consulting their husbands. Also many political and religious leaders are male and women are to be submissive to them. However, some elements of independence are seen in most women today.
Women depend on their male counterparts for social, economic and political protection. Socially, women depend on males for security and protection. Economically, women depend on men because they were not allotted land, the means of production for the agricultural society. Religiously, men were important leaders who could communicate with the spiritual world. Women were not always accorded the opportunity to communicate with the spiritual world.
Women take care of the sick, children, disabled, the weak or strangers. Most traditional healers are female because they are caring. They also act as teachers of the traditional culture because they are patient and loving.
Women are to be submissive to their husbands just like Sarah was submissive. She called her husband “Lord”. Submission is still being encouraged today.
Rebekah had love for her son Jacob. Sarah because of her love for Isaac ill-treated and chased Hagar and her son Ishmael (Gen 21:10). Moses' mother demonstrates love for Moses by protecting him from Pharaoh's massacre of boy children (Exodus 2:1).
Women are supposed to submit to their husbands. They are not really involved in economic activities as it is the duty of husbands, fathers and brothers to look after their female relatives. They are also to lower their gaze always in public and are not to speak to a man in public.
Women depended on men for moral support. Females needed male witnesses in court in case of rape. During the Hajj women were to be accompanied by a male relative. They are not really involved in economic activities as it is the duty of husbands, fathers and brothers to look after their female relatives. This applies even today as women are free to use their earnings as they wish as their male relatives have the obligation to provide for them.
In most religions God has male characteristics and qualities. He is addressed as “Father”, “Leader” as well as having masculine names. This makes men to become more important than women. God has authority and so men emulate him. They however become leaders in the home and in society, in political spheres as well as in religious spheres.
Indigenous Religion
Strong and courageous
Men are viewed courageous. They can hunt in the most dangerous forests. They can also go for wars. They also fight fierce animals that are threatening their livestock. Also this courage is supported by the Shona proverb “Kufa kwemurume kubudaura.” (It is not easy for a man to die).
Violent character
Boys always fight when they are grazing their animals or livestock. Those who could not fight were regarded as mbwende (cowards). Boys could even plan fights and they could enjoy when people fought each other. They could even make cattle fight much to their amusement. Violence is some form of entertainment for the males. Fights are also common among grown up men.
Strong and courageous
Men could fight wars for example they fought various wars on their way to the Promised Land, for example, Israelite war with Moab. (Numbers 22:31 )
Men are strong
Samson was strong. He was a fighter. He fought the Philistines even though he was blind he managed to defeat them. Judges 16 vs. 28
Strong and courageous
They are involved in the Jihad. Jihad is a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam. The men fought the people of Mecca when they went against Prophet Muhammad. He raised an army of ten thousand warriors and ordered the march to Mecca. Islamic men are involved in holy wars known as Jihads.