Seka urema wafa

Tsumo yekuti 'Seka urema wafa' in English means 'Do not make fun of other people?s misfortunes because they may come upon you too. '. Shona or Chishona is a Bantu language of the Shona people of Zimbabwe. Tsumo Chirevo kana kuti zvirevo zvine dudziro yakasiyana nemazwi akashandiswa. Dzimwe tsumo dzakafanana neyekuti 'Seka urema wafa' nezvadzinoreva dziri pazasi..

Zvinoreva Tsumo yekuti 'Seka urema wafa' in English

Tsumo yekuti 'Seka urema wafa' in English means 'Do not make fun of other people?s misfortunes because they may come upon you too. '. Shona, Chishona is a Bantu language of the Shona people of Zimbabwe. Tsumo Chirevo kana kuti zvirevo zvine dudziro dzakasiyana nemazwi akashandiswa. Dzimwe tsumo dzakafanana neyekuti 'Seka urema wafa' nezvadzinoreva dziri pazasi..

'Seka urema wafa' means 'Do not make fun of other people?s misfortunes because they may come upon you too.'

Dzimwe tsumo dzakafanana neyakapiwa nezvadzinoreva

'Simbi inorohwa ichapisa' means 'Hit the iron while it?s still hot.'
'Varume kutsva kwendebvu vanodzimurana' means 'Men help each other in times of trouble '
'Vasikana kudada kudada zvenyu, tichaonana magaro pakuyambuka' means 'You may reject people when all things are well but you will need them when things get hard.'
'Wakurumidza kumedza, kutsenga uchada' means 'You have gone to things ahead before completing the things behind.'