Revision Topic: Best Secondary schools in Pienaarsrivier

S.A Secondary Schools

Bathopele School

Bathopele School is a secondary school located in Pienaarsrivier, Limpopo, South...

S.A Secondary Schools

Best Secondary schools in Pienaarsrivier : Revision Notes

Bathopele School is a secondary school located in Pienaarsrivier, Limpopo, South...

Other Random Notes

Shona Form 3

O Level Revision : Shona - Chiratidzi - Chinongedzo

Chiratidzi izwi rinotendeka pane chiri kutaurwa nezvacho. Tine zviratidzo zvekuri,...

Agriculture Form 4

O Level Notes : Agriculture - Animal Health and Improvement

Breeding of animals is a nature's way of ensuring that the species continues to...

S.A Primary Schools

Wespoort Primary School

Wespoort Primary School is a primary school located in Western Cape, Portland, South...

Biology Form 4

O Level Notes : Biology - Microorganisms And Their Application...

There are three types of microorganisms : viruses, bacteria and  certain fungi.

eBooks & Textbooks

Ventures Primary Physical Education Grade 7 Teacher's Guide

Ventures Primary Physical Education Grade 7 Teacher's Guide is a new curriculum...

Primary Schools

Best Kids Are School (Primary School)

Best Kids Are School is a primary school located in Mabvuku Tafara district which...

S.A Secondary Schools

Silvermine Academy

Silvermine Academy is a secondary school located in Western Cape, Sunvalley, South...

English Shona Dictionary

how to say 'left' in Shona

'left' in Shona means 'ruboshwe'. So, to say 'left' in Shona, you say 'ruboshwe...

Shona English Dictionary

Yadeuka yadeuka mvura yemuguchu haidyorerwi

Tsumo yekuti 'Yadeuka yadeuka mvura yemuguchu haidyorerwi' in English means 'When...

Food Technology Design Form 4

O level Notes : Food Technology Design - Convenience Foods

Convenience foods are foods that are partly or wholly prepared by the food manufacturer...

S.A Primary Schools

Alpine Primary School

Alpine Primary School is a primary school located in Western Cape, Beacon Valley,...

eBooks & Textbooks

Ventures Primary Family Religion and Moral Education Grade...

Ventures Primary Family Religion and Moral Education Grade 7 Learner's Book is a...

Physics Form 4

O Level Notes : Physics - Temperature

Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a room, a bowl of soup or that...

Chewa English Dictionary

zungulira mutu

The Chewa word 'zungulira mutu ' in English means ' go nuts (lit. go around head)....