Revision Topic: Blue Eagle High School Fees

S.A Secondary Schools

Blue Eagle High School

Blue Eagle High School is a secondary school located in Johhanes Burg, Gauteng,...

S.A Secondary Schools

Blue Eagle High School Fees : Revision Notes

Blue Eagle High School is a secondary school located in Johhanes Burg, Gauteng,...

Other Random Notes

Secondary Schools

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Musikati /Tom Chibi is a secondary school located in Zvishavane district which is...

History Form 4

O Level Revision : History - Human Rights

Democracy encourages and promotes such rights as freedom of speech, press, religion,...

Accounts Form 4

O Level Notes : Accounts - Partnerships

A partnership is basically a long term commitment to work together in business....

Family Religious Studies Form 3

O level Notes : FRS - Gender In Various Religions

Both men and women are created in the image of God giving them an equal importance....

S.A Primary Schools

Wavecrest Primary School

Wavecrest Primary School is a primary school located in Western Cape, Rocklands,...

Geography Form 4

O Level Notes : Geography - Settlement And Population -...

There is a relationship between demographic trends and diseases. In most instances...

Shona Form 4

O Level Revision : Shona - Zvidudziramazita - Chiitopauro

Chiitopauro zvinoreva chiito chinoshanda sechipauro. Saka chiitopauro izwi rechiito...

S.A Secondary Schools

Claremont High School

Claremont High School is a secondary school located in Western Cape, Claremont,...

English Shona Dictionary

how to say 'far' in Shona

'far' in Shona means 'kure'. So, to say 'far' in Shona, you say 'kure '. Shona is...

Past Exam Papers

ZIMSEC O level Combined Science Question Paper for Reproduction.pdf

ZIMSEC O level Combined Science Question Paper for Reproduction.pdf is a O level...

Family Religious Studies Form 3

O level Notes : FRS - Sources of unhu and their impact...

 In Indigenous religion institutions have risen as sources of morals and values...

Geography Form 4

O Level Notes : Geography - Agriculture And Land Reform...

Agricultural production in several countries and ecological regions has always been...

Agriculture Form 4

O Level Notes : Agriculture - Ruminants : Sheep Production

Proper management skills of indigenous and exotic breeds of cattle, sheep and goats...

Shona English Dictionary

Yadeuka yadeuka mvura yemuguchu haidyorerwi

Tsumo yekuti 'Yadeuka yadeuka mvura yemuguchu haidyorerwi' in English means 'When...

Biology Form 4

O Level Notes : Biology - Microorganisms And Their Application...

There are three types of microorganisms : viruses, bacteria and  certain fungi.