Revision Topic: Chifambe Primary School

Primary Schools

Chifambe Primary (Primary School)

Chifambe Primary is a primary school located in Nyanga district which is in Manicaland...

Primary Schools

Chifambe Primary School : Revision Notes

Chifambe Primary is a primary school located in Nyanga district which is in Manicaland...

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A dictatorship is defined as an autocratic form of government in which the Government...

Primary Schools

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The Chewa word 'zolowera ' in English means ' get used to, develop a habit. '. Chewa,...

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'at' in Shona means 'ku, kuna, pa, pana'. So, to say 'at' in Shona, you say 'ku,...

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China has the largest population in the world. Throughout   human   history   China ...

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There are negative and positive charges. Like charges repel while opposite charges...

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Iron and copper are widely used metals.  Iron and copper exist in the environment...

Primary Schools

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Chadash Junior is a primary school located in Mabvuku Tafara district which is in...

Secondary Schools

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Ture is a secondary school located in Zvishavane district which is in Midlands province...

eBooks & Textbooks

Ventures Primary Agriculture Grade Grade 7 Teacher's Guide

Ventures Primary Agriculture Grade Grade 7 Teacher's Guide is a new curriculum Grade...

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O level Notes : FRS - Religion And Disability - Disability...

In this topic we deal with religious attitude towards disability. The positive and...

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Zimsec Grade 7 Question and Answer Shona .pdf

Zimsec Grade 7 Question and Answer Booklet Shona is a pdf question and answer booklet...

Shona English Dictionary

Yatsika dope yanwa

Tsumo yekuti 'Yatsika dope yanwa' in English means 'One who was present participated....

Secondary Schools

Zvishavane (Secondary School)

Zvishavane is a secondary school located in Zvishavane district which is in Midlands...