Revision Topic: Chivakanenyama Primary School Mashonaland West

Primary Schools

Chivakanenyama (Primary School)

Chivakanenyama is a primary school located in Hurungwe district which is in Mashonaland...

Primary Schools

Chivakanenyama Primary School Mashonaland West : Revision...

Chivakanenyama is a primary school located in Hurungwe district which is in Mashonaland...

Other Random Notes

S.A Primary Schools

Alpine Primary School

Alpine Primary School is a primary school located in Western Cape, Beacon Valley,...

History Form 4

O Level Revision : History - Human Rights

Democracy encourages and promotes such rights as freedom of speech, press, religion,...

Chewa English Dictionary


The Chewa word 'zizwa ' in English means ' be surprised. '. Chewa, Chichewa or Njanja...

Family Religious Studies Form 3

O level Notes : FRS - Indigenous religion as a source of...

 Morality or morals is a word which can be defined as a set of social rules, principles,...

Food Technology Design Form 4

O level Notes : Food Technology Design - Preparation, Cooking...

Important aspects of appearance are colour, texture and surface. You might judge...

Shona Form 3

O Level Revision : Shona - Chirevamwene - Zvirevamwene

Chidudzirazita chinoratidza muridzi kana mwene wechinhu sokuti: Mombe yamai zvinoreva...

Accounts Form 4

O Level Notes : Accounts - Errors not affecting trial balance

There are errors which do effect the agreement of trial balance. First, Trial balance...

English Shona Dictionary

how to say 'right' in Shona

'right' in Shona means 'rudyi'. So, to say 'right' in Shona, you say 'rudyi '. Shona...

Secondary Schools

Ngomeyebani (Secondary School)

Ngomeyebani is a secondary school located in Zvishavane district which is in Midlands...

Physics Form 4

O Level Notes : Physics - Static Electricity

Electrostatics is the study of static charges, just like the case of hair we just...

S.A Secondary Schools

Claremont High School

Claremont High School is a secondary school located in Western Cape, Claremont,...

Primary Schools

New Dimension Study Centre 2013 (Primary School)

New Dimension Study Centre 2013 is a primary school located in Mabvuku Tafara district...

Shona Form 3

O Level Revision : Shona - Chii chinonzi chisarudzi?

Chisarudzi chidudzirazita chinoburitsa pfungwa yekusarudza kana kunan’anura zvinhu...

Commerce Form 4

O Level Revision : Commerce - Money

Money is anything that is generally acceptable in the exchange of goods and services....

Agriculture Form 4

O Level Notes : Agriculture - Small Livestock Production

When farmers are killing livestock they should not subject them to pain and suffering....