Revision Topic: Chiwere School
Chiwere (Secondary School)
Chiwere is a secondary school located in Mutare district which is in Manicaland...
Chiwere (Primary School)
Chiwere is a primary school located in Mutare district which is in Manicaland province...
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Hello students. In this topic, we learn about how Sulphuric acid is manufactured...
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New Marimba Park Ecd Centre (Primary School)
New Marimba Park Ecd Centre is a primary school located in Glenview Mufakose district...
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The Commonwealth is a successor to the British Empire. It is made up of former British...
O Level Notes : Agriculture - Farm Buildings
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O Level Revision : History - Boom, Depression and Recovery...
Boom is a rapid increase in economic growth; or a period when demand for goods is...
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Morality or morals is a word which can be defined as a set of social rules, principles,...
Wavecrest Primary School
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Sense organs are the organs through which we sense or detect changes in the external...
O Level Revision : Shona - Zvidudziramazita - Chirevamwene
Chidudzirazita chinoratidza muridzi (mwene) wechinhu chirikutaurwa nezvacho. Chirewamwene...
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Breeding of animals is a nature's way of ensuring that the species continues to...
O level Notes : Food Technology Design - Advanced Beverages:...
Advanced beverages include indigenous and non-indigenous. Generally, most advanced...