Revision Topic: form 3 family religious studies notes
O level Notes : FRS - Religious Beliefs And Chronic Conditions
Chronic means a condition that is persistent and comes with time and generally lasts...
O level Notes : FRS - Religious Beliefs, Sexuality And...
Sexuality is defined as the way that an individual perceives him or herself as a...
O level Notes : FRS - Religion, femininity and masculinity
Femininity is a characteristic of acting in a female way while masculinity is a...
O level Notes : FRS - Sources of unhu and their impact...
In Indigenous religion institutions have risen as sources of morals and values...
O level Notes : FRS - Indigenous Religion And Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu,...
This topic deals with religion, ethics, health and sexuality. Firstly, morals and...
O level Notes : FRS - Gender roles of men in Indigenous...
In African societies, men and women have specific roles defined by the society and...
O level Notes : FRS - Gender roles for women in Indigenous...
In African societies, men and women have specific roles defined by the society and...
O level Notes : FRS - Gender roles in Indigenous religion
In African societies, men and women have specific roles defined by the society and...
O level Notes : FRS - Gender In Various Religions
Both men and women are created in the image of God giving them an equal importance....
O level Notes : FRS - Indigenous Religion In Informal Education
In Indigenous religion (IR) informal education has been the source of education...
O level Notes : FRS - Religion In Formal Education
There are many types of education. There is formal and informal education. Advantages...
O level Notes : FRS - Indigenous Religion And Zimbabwean...
Indigenous religion refers to the religion of the native Zimbabwean people, whereas...
O level Notes : FRS - How Islam encourages inter-dependency...
In Islam, the income of an individual in an extended family is not treated as...
O level Notes : FRS - How Judaism encourages inter-dependency...
During the Exodus, the Israelites encountered a number of challenges, chief among...
O level Notes : FRS - How Christianity encourage inter-dependency...
Family interdependence is at the heart of Christianity. To be selfish, stingy and...
O level Notes : FRS - How African traditional religion...
Inter-dependency is the state of being dependent upon one another. Families...