Revision Topic: Jena Primary School
Jena (Primary School)
Jena is a primary school located in Mberengwa district which is in Midlands province...
Jena Primary School : Revision Notes
Jena is a primary school located in Mberengwa district which is in Midlands province...
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O Level Revision : Shona - Zviito - Zvidudzirazviito
Chidudzirachiito izwi rinodudzira, kutsanangura kana kujekesa chiito. Somuenzaniso,...
O Level Notes : Physics - Temperature
Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a room, a bowl of soup or that...
zoona zake
The Chewa word 'zoona zake ' in English means ' in reality (lit. it's truth). '....
O Level Notes : Geography - Settlement And Population -...
Population policy refers to a legal framework of the government to issues related...
O level Notes : FRS - Religious Beliefs And Chronic Conditions
Chronic means a condition that is persistent and comes with time and generally lasts...
how to say 'because' in Shona
'because' in Shona means 'nekuti'. So, to say 'because' in Shona, you say 'nekuti...
O Level Revision : Commerce - Transport
Transport moves/ferries/carries/transports/transfers/takes/carts people (workers,...
Primary School Grade 6 Mathematics Workbook 2-Docx
Primary School Grade 6 Mathematics Workbook 2.Docx is a Grade 6 Mathematics docx...
O Level Revision : Commerce - Advertising
Advertising is a marketing communication that is meant to promote or sell a product,...
Wasima (Secondary School)
Wasima is a secondary school located in Zvishavane district which is in Midlands...
O Level Notes : Geography - Settlement And Population -...
There is a relationship between demographic trends and diseases. In most instances...
O Level Revision : Shona - Chirevamwene - Zvirevamwene
Chidudzirazita chinoratidza muridzi kana mwene wechinhu sokuti: Mombe yamai zvinoreva...
O Level Revision : Integrated Science - Science in Structures...
A device that makes work easier by reducing effort required increasing distance,...
Alpine Primary School
Alpine Primary School is a primary school located in Western Cape, Beacon Valley,...