Revision Topic: Lifestyle Christian Academy Online Application
Lifestyle Christian Academy
Lifestyle Christian Academy is a primary school located in Worcester, Western Cape,...
Lifestyle Christian Academy Online Application : Revision...
Lifestyle Christian Academy is a primary school located in Worcester, Western Cape,...
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An exothermic reaction is one where energy (heat) is given out causing a temperature...
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Ventures Primary Family Religion and Moral Education Grade 7 Learner's Book is a...
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The Chewa word 'zoona zake ' in English means ' in reality (lit. it's truth). '....
O Level Revision : Integrated Science - Science in Energy...
There are negative and positive charges. Like charges repel while opposite charges...
O Level Notes : Biology - Transport In Plants
Just like humans, plants have a transport system of vessels and cells that transports...
O Level Revision : Shona - Zviito - Zviito zvine zvivanduriro...
Zviito zvinogona kuvandurirwa kaviri kana kudarika. Mazwi anoti kubata,kudiwa na...
The Chewa word 'zizwa ' in English means ' be surprised. '. Chewa, Chichewa or Njanja...
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Zviuya hazviwanani
Tsumo yekuti 'Zviuya hazviwanani' in English means 'Perfect people hardly find each...
O Level Revision : History - The Emergence of Dictatorships...
A dictatorship is defined as an autocratic form of government in which the Government...
O Level Notes : Accounts - Control Accounts
Control account is an account which checks the arithmetical accuracy of a ledger....
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Zviro zviyedzwa chembere yekwaChivi yakabika mabwe ikanwa...
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