Revision Topic: List of Schools in De Doorns

S.A Secondary Schools

Hexvallei Sekonder

Hexvallei Sekonder is a secondary school located in Western Cape, De Doorns, South...

S.A Primary Schools

Sibabalwe Primary School

Sibabalwe Primary School is a primary school located in Western Cape, De Doorns,...

S.A Primary Schools

F.J. Conradie Primere Skool

F.J. Conradie Primere Skool is a primary school located in Western Cape, De Doorns,...

S.A Primary Schools

Bonne Esperance Primere Skool

Bonne Esperance Primere Skool is a primary school located in Western Cape, De Doorns,...

Other Random Notes

History Form 4

O Level Revision : History - The Organisation of African...

There was need to decolonise Africa. This could only be done if Africa was united...

S.A Primary Schools

Wavecrest Primary School

Wavecrest Primary School is a primary school located in Western Cape, Rocklands,...

Past Exam Papers

ZIMSEC O level Combined Science Past Exam Paper 3 Set 2.docx

ZIMSEC O level Combined Science Past Exam Paper 3 Set 2.docx is a O level Combined...

Books & Reviews

Primary School Grade 6 Heritage Workbook 9 And 10.Doc

Primary School Grade 6 Heritage Workbook 9 And 10.Doc is a Grade 6 Heritage doc...

Combined Science Form 4

O Level Revision : Combined Science - Science in Industry...

Industrial processes involve production on a large scale. Large sites and machinery...

Shona English Dictionary

Yadeuka yadeuka mvura yemuguchu haidyorerwi

Tsumo yekuti 'Yadeuka yadeuka mvura yemuguchu haidyorerwi' in English means 'When...

Combined Science Form 4

O Level Revision : Combined Science - Plant Nutrition

The sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living things. Green plants can...

Shona Form 4

O Level Revision : Shona - Zvidudziramazita - Chirevamwene

Chidudzirazita chinoratidza muridzi (mwene) wechinhu chirikutaurwa nezvacho. Chirewamwene...

Geography Form 4

O Level Notes : Geography - Settlement And Population -...

Population policy refers to a legal framework of the government to issues related...

Shona Form 4

O Level Revision : Shona - Zviito - Zvidudzirazviito

Chidudzirachiito izwi rinodudzira, kutsanangura kana kujekesa chiito. Somuenzaniso,...

Chewa English Dictionary


The Chewa word 'zizwana ' in English means ' have a disagreement. '. Chewa, Chichewa...

English Shona Dictionary

how to say 'with' in Shona

'with' in Shona means 'ne'. So, to say 'with' in Shona, you say 'ne '. Shona is...

Agriculture Form 4

O Level Notes : Agriculture - Small Livestock Production

When farmers are killing livestock they should not subject them to pain and suffering....