Revision Topic: Machaya School

Secondary Schools

Machaya (Secondary School)

Machaya is a secondary school located in Muzarabani district which is in Mashonaland...

Primary Schools

Machaya (Primary School)

Machaya is a primary school located in Muzarabani district which is in Mashonaland...

Other Random Notes

Books & Reviews

Primary School Grade 6 Mathematics Workbook 1-Docx

Primary School Grade 6 Mathematics Workbook 1.Docx is a Grade 6 Mathematics docx...

Commerce Form 4

O Level Revision : Commerce - Advertising

Advertising is a marketing communication that is meant to promote or sell a product,...

Shona Form 3

O Level Revision : Shona - Chii chinonzi chidudzirachiito...

Chii chinonzi chidudzirachiito kana kuti zvidudzirazviito? Aya mazwi anotsanangura...

Agriculture Form 4

O Level Notes : Agriculture - Farm Buildings

Every building in the farm is designed to suit its functions. Various farm buildings...

S.A Primary Schools

Wavecrest Primary School

Wavecrest Primary School is a primary school located in Western Cape, Rocklands,...

Shona Form 3

O Level Revision : Shona - Chii chinonzi chindori?

Chii chinonzi chindori? Chindori: chirevo chizere chine zvachinoreva pasina kushanda...

History Form 4

O Level Revision : History - Democracy

Democracy  has  its  origins  from  Greek  political thought around the 5th   Century...

History Form 4

O Level Revision : History - Revolution in China

China has the largest population in the world. Throughout   human   history   China ...

Accounts Form 4

O Level Notes : Accounts - Partnerships

A partnership is basically a long term commitment to work together in business....

Primary Schools

Salem Primary (Primary School)

Salem Primary is a primary school located in Mabvuku Tafara district which is in...

Secondary Schools

Ngomeyebani (Secondary School)

Ngomeyebani is a secondary school located in Zvishavane district which is in Midlands...

S.A Primary Schools

Seaview Primary School

Seaview Primary School is a primary school located in Western Cape, Rocklands, South...

Physics Form 4

O Level Notes : Physics - Thermal Properties Of Matter

First of all, what is Heat capacity? It is the amount of thermal energy required ...

Combined Science Form 4

O Level Revision : Combined Science - Science in Structures...

Human life is enhanced by structures. Every structure has a design that makes it...