Revision Topic: Malisanga Primary School Masvingo

Primary Schools

Malisanga (Primary School)

Malisanga is a primary school located in Chiredzi district which is in Masvingo...

Primary Schools

Malisanga Primary School Masvingo : Revision Notes

Malisanga is a primary school located in Chiredzi district which is in Masvingo...

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'at' in Shona means 'ku, kuna, pa, pana'. So, to say 'at' in Shona, you say 'ku,...

English Shona Dictionary

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'name' in Shona means 'zita, dzinza *(family name)*'. So, to say 'name' in Shona,...

Primary Schools

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Chadash Junior is a primary school located in Mabvuku Tafara district which is in...

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Human life is enhanced by structures. Every structure has a design that makes it...

Past Exam Papers

ZIMSEC O level Combined Science Question Paper for Industrial...

ZIMSEC O level Combined Science Question Paper for Industrial Processes.pdf is a...

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Redox reactions are reactions that involve oxidation and reduction. There are several...

Geography Form 4

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Population policy refers to a legal framework of the government to issues related...

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A device that makes work easier by reducing effort required increasing distance,...

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First of all, what is Heat capacity? It is the amount of thermal energy required ...

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Dear students, this is a simple and short topic. We will learn in this lesson how...