Revision Topic: Matondoni School Results

S.A Primary Schools

Matondoni School

Matondoni School is a primary school located in Sibasa, Limpopo, South Africa. Matondoni...

S.A Primary Schools

Matondoni School Results : Revision Notes

Matondoni School is a primary school located in Sibasa, Limpopo, South Africa. Matondoni...

Other Random Notes

Secondary Schools

Rubweruchena (Secondary School)

Rubweruchena is a secondary school located in Zvishavane district which is in Midlands...

Food Technology Design Form 4

O level Notes : Food Technology Design - Advanced Beverages:...

Advanced beverages include indigenous and non-indigenous. Generally, most advanced...

Past Exam Papers

ZIMSEC O level Combined Science Question Paper for Mechanical...

ZIMSEC O level Combined Science Question Paper for Mechanical Systems.pdf is a O...

English Shona Dictionary

how to say 'in' in Shona

'in' in Shona means 'mu'. So, to say 'in' in Shona, you say 'mu '. Shona is a Bantu...

Primary Schools

Precious Jewel Ecd (Primary School)

Precious Jewel Ecd is a primary school located in Mabvuku Tafara district which...

Primary Schools

Kinderkastle Infant (Primary School)

Kinderkastle Infant is a primary school located in Mabvuku Tafara district which...

Biology Form 4

O Level Notes : Biology - Animal Receptor Organs

Sense organs are the organs through which we sense or detect changes in the external...

Commerce Form 4

O Level Revision : Commerce - Capital, Finance and Profit...

Capital comprises of the plant and equipment, raw materials, work in progress, stocks,...

Shona English Dictionary

Zviro zviyedzwa chembere yekwaChivi yakabika mabwe ikanwa...

Tsumo yekuti 'Zviro zviyedzwa chembere yekwaChivi yakabika mabwe ikanwa muto' in...

S.A Primary Schools

Littlewood Primary School

Littlewood Primary School is a primary school located in Western Cape, Eastridge,...

Accounts Form 4

O Level Notes : Accounts - Partnerships

A partnership is basically a long term commitment to work together in business....

Shona English Dictionary

Zviuya hazviwanani

Tsumo yekuti 'Zviuya hazviwanani' in English means 'Perfect people hardly find each...

Commerce Form 4

O Level Revision : Commerce - Insurance

Insurance is a form of risk management used to hedge against the risk of an uncertain...

Food Technology Design Form 4

O level Notes : Food Technology Design - Preparation, Cooking...

Important aspects of appearance are colour, texture and surface. You might judge...

Chemistry Form 4

O Level Notes : Chemistry - Sulphuric Acid

Hello students. In this topic, we learn about how Sulphuric acid is manufactured...