Revision Topic: Modipadi School

S.A Secondary Schools

Modipadi School

Modipadi School is a secondary school located in Marishane, Limpopo, South Africa....

S.A Primary Schools

Modipadi School

Modipadi School is a primary school located in Limpopo, Groblersdal, South Africa....

Other Random Notes

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O Level Notes : Agriculture - Ruminants : Sheep Production

Proper management skills of indigenous and exotic breeds of cattle, sheep and goats...

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ZIMSEC O level Combined Science Past Exam Paper 3 Set 2.docx

ZIMSEC O level Combined Science Past Exam Paper 3 Set 2.docx is a O level Combined...

eBooks & Textbooks

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Chemistry Form 4

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Hello students. This is a tricky chapter so I suggest you all pay attention. In...

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O Level Revision : History - The United Nations

The  United  Nations  (UN)  is  an  international organisation. It was created after...

Chemistry Form 4

O Level Notes : Chemistry - Acids and Bases

Acid is a substance which produces hydrogen ions, H+, when it is dissolved in water....

Chemistry Form 4

O Level Notes : Chemistry - Energy from Chemicals

An exothermic reaction is one where energy (heat) is given out causing a temperature...

Biology Form 4

O Level Notes : Biology - Transport In Plants

Just like humans, plants have a transport system of vessels and cells that transports...

Shona English Dictionary

Vasikana kudada kudada zvenyu, tichaonana magaro pakuyambuka

Tsumo yekuti 'Vasikana kudada kudada zvenyu, tichaonana magaro pakuyambuka' in English...

English Shona Dictionary

how to say 'because' in Shona

'because' in Shona means 'nekuti'. So, to say 'because' in Shona, you say 'nekuti...

Combined Science Form 4

O Level Revision : Combined Science - Science in Structures...

A device that makes work easier by reducing effort required increasing distance,...

S.A Secondary Schools

Louwville Hoerskool

Louwville Hoerskool is a secondary school located in Western Cape, Louwville, South...

Chewa English Dictionary


The Chewa word 'zizwa ' in English means ' be surprised. '. Chewa, Chichewa or Njanja...

Chewa English Dictionary


The Chewa word 'zizwana ' in English means ' have a disagreement. '. Chewa, Chichewa...

Primary Schools

Rainbow Preschool (Primary School)

Rainbow Preschool is a primary school located in Mabvuku Tafara district which is...