Revision Topic: Top Schools In Kabokweni

S.A Primary Schools

Tsembaletfu Primary School

Tsembaletfu Primary School is a primary school located in Mpumalanga, Kabokweni,...

S.A Primary Schools

Vutselani Primary School

Vutselani Primary School is a primary school located in Mpumalanga, Kabokweni, South...

S.A Primary Schools

Aa Khumalo Primary School

Aa Khumalo Primary School is a primary school located in Mpumalanga, Kabokweni,...

S.A Primary Schools

Ekuphileni Academy

Ekuphileni Academy is a primary school located in Mpumalanga, Kabokweni, South Africa....

Other Random Notes

Shona Form 3

O Level Revision : Shona - Chii chinonzi chidudzirachiito...

Chii chinonzi chidudzirachiito kana kuti zvidudzirazviito? Aya mazwi anotsanangura...

Integrated Science Form 4

O Level Revision : Integrated Science - Science in Structures...

A device that makes work easier by reducing effort required increasing distance,...

Chewa English Dictionary


The Chewa word 'zungulira ' in English means ' go round, surround. '. Chewa, Chichewa...

Shona Form 4

O Level Revision : Shona - Zviito - Zviito zvine zvivanduriro...

Zviito zvinogona kuvandurirwa kaviri kana kudarika. Mazwi anoti kubata,kudiwa na...

Family Religious Studies Form 3

O level Notes : FRS - Religious Beliefs And Chronic Conditions

Chronic means a condition that is persistent and comes with time and generally lasts...

Shona English Dictionary

Yatsika dope yanwa

Tsumo yekuti 'Yatsika dope yanwa' in English means 'One who was present participated....

Agriculture Form 4

O Level Notes : Agriculture - Ruminants : Goats Production

Proper management skills of indigenous and exotic breeds of cattle, sheep and goats...

Food Technology Design Form 4

O level Notes : Food Technology Design - Table setting,...

A well-set table adds to the enjoyment of the meal. For food to be appreciated and...

eBooks & Textbooks

Ventures Primary Physical Education Grade 7 Teacher's Guide

Ventures Primary Physical Education Grade 7 Teacher's Guide is a new curriculum...

Accounts Form 4

O Level Notes : Accounts - Introduction to accounting ratios

Ratio is a comparison between two different items, First is MARK UP and Second is...

Secondary Schools

Wasima (Secondary School)

Wasima is a secondary school located in Zvishavane district which is in Midlands...

Books & Reviews

Primary School Grade 6 Mathematics Workbook Week 2-Docx

Primary School Grade 6 Mathematics Workbook Week 2.Docx is a Grade 6 Mathematics...

Family Religious Studies Form 4

O level Notes : FRS - Religion And The Liberation Struggle...

The independence of Zimbabwe did not just come on a silver platter.  There are men...

Chewa English Dictionary

zoona zake

The Chewa word 'zoona zake ' in English means ' in reality (lit. it's truth). '....

eBooks & Textbooks

Ventures Primary Heritage Social Grade 7 Learner's Book

Ventures Primary Heritage Social Grade 7 Learner's Book is a new curriculum Grade...