Revision Topic: Zigadini Junior Secondary School
Zigadini Junior Secondary School
Zigadini Junior Secondary School is a primary school located in Mount Frere, Eastern...
Zigadini Junior Secondary School : Revision Notes
Zigadini Junior Secondary School is a primary school located in Mount Frere, Eastern...
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O Level Revision : History - Revolution in China
China has the largest population in the world. Throughout human history China ...
O Level Notes : Physics - Sound
Sound is a longitudinal wave. We have already studied about transverse and longitudinal...
O Level Notes : Physics - Pressure
what is pressure basically? So pressure can be defined as the force acting per unit...
Vasikana kudada kudada zvenyu, tichaonana magaro pakuyambuka
Tsumo yekuti 'Vasikana kudada kudada zvenyu, tichaonana magaro pakuyambuka' in English...
O Level Notes : Accounts - Control Accounts
Control account is an account which checks the arithmetical accuracy of a ledger....
The Chewa word 'zunguza ' in English means ' make go around. '. Chewa, Chichewa...
Zimsec Commerce November 2007 Exam Paper 2 .pdf
This is a Zimsec Commerce November 2007 Paper 2 pdf past exam paper with questions...
The Chewa word 'zizwa ' in English means ' be surprised. '. Chewa, Chichewa or Njanja...
O level Notes : FRS - Gender In Various Religions
Both men and women are created in the image of God giving them an equal importance....
O Level Revision : Integrated Science - Science in Structures...
A device that makes work easier by reducing effort required increasing distance,...
O Level Notes : Accounts - Partnerships
A partnership is basically a long term commitment to work together in business....
Ventures Primary in Mathematics Grade 7 Learner's Book
Ventures Primary in Mathematics Grade 7 Learner's Book is a new curriculum Grade...
O Level Revision : Integrated Science - Science in Energy...
Fuels are materials that are burnt to provide heat or chemical energy. Fuels can...
O Level Notes : Chemistry - Energy from Chemicals
An exothermic reaction is one where energy (heat) is given out causing a temperature...