Revision Topic: Zvipiripiri School

Primary Schools

Zvipiripiri (Primary School)

Zvipiripiri is a primary school located in Mutare district which is in Manicaland...

Primary Schools

Zvipiripiri School : Revision Notes

Zvipiripiri is a primary school located in Mutare district which is in Manicaland...

Other Random Notes

Combined Science Form 4

O Level Revision : Combined Science - Ecosystems

An ecosystem is a self-contained system of interdependent organisms and their physical...

Integrated Science Form 4

O Level Revision : Integrated Science - Science in Structures...

A device that makes work easier by reducing effort required increasing distance,...

English Shona Dictionary

how to say 'and' in Shona

'and' in Shona means 'na, ne'. So, to say 'and' in Shona, you say 'na, ne '. Shona...

Chemistry Form 4

O Level Notes : Chemistry - Redox Reactions

Redox reactions are reactions that involve oxidation and reduction. There are several...

Shona Form 3

O Level Revision : Shona - Rebeso dzerebeso dzezviito

Kurebesa chiito kuwedzera mamwe mavara pamudzi wechiito kuti chiito chive nedzimwe...

Family Religious Studies Form 4

O level Notes : FRS - Religion- Rights And Social Responsibility...

Leadership can be defined as the capacity that someone has to lead. It can also...

Family Religious Studies Form 4

O level Notes : FRS - Religion - Technology And Enterprise...

This topic identifies forms of technology, forms of interaction between religion...

Family Religious Studies Form 4

O level Notes : FRS - Religion And Disability - Disability...

In this topic we deal with religious attitude towards disability. The positive and...

Combined Science Form 4

O Level Revision : Combined Science - Science in Structures...

Human life is enhanced by structures. Every structure has a design that makes it...

Geography Form 4

O Level Notes : Geography - Settlement And Population -...

The term migration refers to the movement of people from one area to another, usually...

Chemistry Form 4

O Level Notes : Chemistry - Acids and Bases

Acid is a substance which produces hydrogen ions, H+, when it is dissolved in water....

Primary Schools

Salem Primary (Primary School)

Salem Primary is a primary school located in Mabvuku Tafara district which is in...

Chewa English Dictionary


The Chewa word 'zizwana ' in English means ' have a disagreement. '. Chewa, Chichewa...